Wanton - definition. What is Wanton
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adj. 1) grossly negligent to the extent of being recklessly unconcerned with the safety of people or property. Examples: speeding by a school while it is letting out students or firing a shotgun in a public park. 2) sexually immoral and unrestrained.
I. a.
Wandering, loose, unrestrained, unchecked, free.
Luxuriant, exuberant, abounding, rank, rampant, overgrown.
Sportive, frolicsome, playful, gay, frisky, coltish, airy, skittish.
Dissolute, licentious, irregular, loose.
Incontinent, prurient, lustful, lewd, lascivious, lecherous, carnal, salacious, libidinous, concupiscent, lickerish, unchaste, loose.
Reckless, heedless, careless, inconsiderate, needless, groundless, gratuitous, wilful.
II. n.
Lewd person.
III. v. n.
Revel, frolic, sport, play, disport, frisk, romp, caper.
Luxuriate, live luxuriously, live in clover.
Toy, trifle, play, sport, dally amorously.
¦ adjective
1. (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked.
2. sexually immodest or promiscuous.
3. literary growing profusely; luxuriant.
lively; playful.
¦ noun archaic a sexually immodest or promiscuous woman.
¦ verb archaic or literary
1. play; frolic.
2. behave in a sexually immodest or promiscuous way.
wantonly adverb
wantonness noun
ME wantowen 'rebellious, lacking discipline', from wan- 'badly' + OE togen 'trained' (rel. to team and tow1).


Wanton may refer to:
أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. wanton, horrific violence --
2. Bridget Jones, wanton sex goddess...
Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001)
3. and by his wanton acts
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006)
4. So he was a wanton, rapscallion outlaw
Black Jack Ketchum _ Brian Schirmer & Jeremy Saliba _ Talks at Google
5. but allowing gamers, often young gamers, to select the wanton,
Wow! ClickHole! _ Jermaine Affonso, Ben Berkley _ Talks at Google
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. We‘ve made it clear that we care about wanton destruction.
2. The opportunities for wanton self–destruction are many.
3. Caligula himself can never have done anything more wanton.
4. "My name is Wanton," she says, with a sportive smile, "Wanton Nereid, and I believe you requested a massage." "Hur, hur, I thought a wanton was a Chinese snack, but you look more like a spring roll ..." Half an hour later, Bond has returned to a pile of 5,000 bank statements, only just spotting the scorpion the evil al–Qaida double agent Wanton has slipped between the computer printouts.
5. "Ministers and MKs are behaving in a wild and wanton manner.